Explore ~ Inspire ~ Act
VENEZUELA, 17 years
Politics must be one of my favorite topics to talk about, probably because I was raised in a country in which it is crucial to have a minimal knowledge about what’s going on in the government – as well as the current situation of the foreign relations that we have at every moment. Either way, I really enjoy reading about current events and developing my own hypothesis about why things happens in the world we live in.
Apart from politics, I really enjoy traveling and getting to know all that our world offers: the culture, landscapes and unforgettable moments in the different hidden spots of our marvelous planet. I´ve also always have had an amazing curiosity for whatever is waiting for me in the future, whether this is new places, new people or new challenges.
In my free time, I usually enjoy reading and writing; I really like putting my emotions into words, especially when I feel that I need to get a better perspective of the situation – or even when I need to drain all that I´m feeling. For this reason my writing is mostly personal – whereas in reading, I really enjoy it, mostly because I feel it´s a free plane ticket to wherever the book is willing to take you – to meet new people, live new stories and experience new adventures.
My gap year at Surval represents a step towards my independence, allowing me to see the world from another perspective and to gain a fresh perspective on everything that surrounds me, including my friends, my culture and even my own self. Being here has enabled me to exchange knowledge with people so different from those that I´ve known my whole life and is helping make me understand the world we live in at its finest.